Monday, November 22, 2010

Table for 4

The roads are slick and icy this it is was no surprise that I was alone in the yoga studio this morning....I wasn't all that keen about the idea of venturing out either. Instead of inward meditation in the studio, I am using this time to meditate on my family and the coming week. 
We had several very generous offers from friends to share Thanksgiving with their families as we will not have the opportunity to celebrate with our immediate families this year. Feeling that this may be the last year that we will be our little family of four, I felt strongly about pulling in and focusing on "us".  I am quite sure that even though "the little one" who was punished yesterday, will have the privilege of watching TV by Thursday, and be able to watch the Macy's parade. The girls have found a comfortable routine: setting up a palate on the floor, the little one takes the drawer out of the bathroom cabinet and carefully organizes the plethora of pony tail holders, ribbons, clippies, headbands, etc that have gradually, since last November 25, taken on a life of their own. The older one will organize the sock bins, while they delight in the floats and the festivities of the celebration.  Every year they ask me about what it is like to really be there, in Manhattan, to experience it. Every year, I patiently explain that there are similarities and differences. A sample similarity might include: Temperature in our 88 year old house is probably the same as on the streets of NYC - the wind just doesn't blow as hard inside. A difference might be that jostling for a good view is next to impossible given the number of folks and unless one of the enormous balloons has actually broken away and is escaping directly over your head, your view from our home is much better quality.
Turkey is a delicious treat. Roasted garlic mashed potatoes with really fabulous gravy might be better.
I so look forward to this mouth watering feast. I am also hyper aware that only a small percentage of folks have this luxury.  Not a guilt trip - just a fact.
And, for me, much more than the food, is the extravagance of having, not just one -  but two, healthy, bright, children that I am able to spend time with. To love, to tickle, to brush their hair, to squeeze, to smell and to delight in their laughter. I am ABLE to do all of these things and more through the grace of God. And for that - I am giving up a wealth of thanks.

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